About US

In accordance with the provisions of Law on confidence in the digital economy, users of the elenaaoude.com website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring.

Definition of terms

Customer: User purchasing or having purchased a Product

Order: Stage during which the Buyer Orders a Product on the Site

Product: Item which is the subject of an offer for sale on the Site by the Seller, through a Product description page

Site: Elena Aoude’s website located at https://elenaaoude.com/

Site editing

The elenaaoude.com site is published by E.A DESIGN, a single-member simplified joint stock company with capital of €30,000.00, whose head office is located at 23 rue de Téhéran 75008 Paris, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under the unique identification number: 920 751 047 R.C.S. Paris.

Tel: +33 685138925

VAT: FR61920751047

Publication manager: Elena Aoude


The elenaaooude.com site is hosted by the company Cloudflare, Inc.

101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107

+ 33 1 73 01 52 44

To contact us

By email: info@elenaaoude.com

By post:  23 rue de Téhéran 75008 Paris - FRANCE

Responsibility of Elena Aoude

The information published on the site is given for informational purposes only. E.A DESIGN cannot be held responsible. It may be changed or updated without notice.

E.A DESIGN cannot be held responsible for any damage of any nature, direct or indirect, for any omission or error or for the inability to access the Site.

If you do not understand parts of the Terms and Conditions, we recommend that you contact info@elenaaoude.com before you start shopping on the Website.


Last updated: 29/01/2024